Domestic USA
- Accufleet, Houston, TX
- AIM Aerospace, Renton, WA
- AK Aero, Boca Raton, FL
- Boeing, Charleston, SC
- Boeing, Everett, WA
- Boeing, Seattle, WA
- Boltaron, Newcomerstown, OH
- Collins Aerospace, Everett, WA
- Collins Aerospace, Winston-Salem, NC
- Delta Flight Products, Atlanta, GA
- Element Testing, Duarte, CA
- Epic Aircraft, Bend, OR
- FAA Atlantic City, NJ
- Federal Mogul, Exton, PA
- General Plastics, Tacoma, WA
- Herb Curry, Mt Vernon, IN
- Honda Aircraft, Greensboro, NC
- JAMCO America, Everett, WA
- MGA Research, Brea, SC
- Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, CA
- Safran Cabin, Bellingham, WA
- Safran Cabin, Everett, WA
- Safran Cabin, Huntington Beach, CA
- Sekisui, Bloomsburg, PA
- Skandia, Davis Junction, IL
- TAPIS Corp., Dallas, TX
- Testcorp, Mission Veija, CA
- Texmac, Charlotte, NC
- 3M USA, St Paul, MN
- Aeroworks, Den Haag, The Netherlands
- Airbus, Bremen, Germany
- CAAC, Chengdu, China
- Collins Aerospace, Manila, Philippines
- Diehl Aerosystems, Laupheim, Germany
- DGAC, Toulouse, France
- DLR, Cologne, Germany
- Esterline, Stockton, UK
- F List, Thomasberg, Austria
- HMK Ltd, Seoul, South Korea
- JAMCO Singapore, Singapore
- KIMS, South Korea
- Lantal Fabrics, Langenthal, Switzerland
- Magnesium Electron, Manchester, UK
- MCRI, Qingdao,China
- Rescoll Testing, Bordeaux, France
- Safran Cabin, Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Safran Cabin, Herborn, Germany
- Safran Cabin, Montreal, Canada
- SJAC, Iida City, Japan
- Toyota-Boshoku, Nagoya, Japan
- Yokohama Foam Rubber, Yokohama, Japan
Customers Worldwide
Below is a list of the worldwide customers with MarlinEngineering test equipment